Dimeglio Septic Inspections certified septic inspectors examine the distribution box for leakage, cracks and corrosion. Our inspectors also make sure that the distribution box is level. As part of this inspection all pipes leading to the box are examined using digital camera technology. Any Pipes that are cracked or corroded will be identified.
Check the Absorption Field:
Our septic inspectors use digital cameras to visually inspect pipes leading to the absorption (leech) field. The inspection also includes a flow test where dye is introduced into the septic system. This test will simulate normal septic usage and enable our septic inspectors to observe drainage. DSI inspectors visually inspect the surface area to locate signs of system backups and probe underground to check for drainage levels
Comprehensive and Easy to Read Reports:
Our inspection provides a five page document stating clearly the overall condition of the septic system and what problems may be present, as well as independent assessments of the system’s three major components. It also provides a detailed report based on NJDEP & PSMA standards evaluating each component. Our reports are in compliance and under the rules of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.