South Jersey Septic Inspections

Dimeglio Septic Inspections certified septic inspectors examine the distribution box for leakage, cracks and corrosion. Our inspectors also make sure that the distribution box is level. As part of this inspection all pipes leading to the box are examined using digital camera technology. Any Pipes that are cracked or corroded will be identified.

Check the Absorption Field:

Our septic inspectors use digital cameras to visually inspect pipes leading to the absorption (leech) field. The inspection also includes a flow test where dye is introduced into the septic system. This test will simulate normal septic usage and enable our septic inspectors to observe drainage. DSI inspectors visually inspect the surface area to locate signs of system backups and probe underground to check for drainage levels

Comprehensive and Easy to Read Reports:

Our inspection provides a five page document stating clearly the overall condition of the septic system and what problems may be present, as well as independent assessments of the system’s three major components. It also provides a detailed report based on NJDEP & PSMA standards evaluating each component. Our reports are in compliance and under the rules of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why do you use a camera during the inspection?

Our digital TV camera provides many advantages over the traditional form of septic testing.
Specifically, the camera allows us to visually examine all important components of the septic system. The camera provides visual confirmation of existing problems deep within the system. Septic inspections without cameras rely on guess work. A septic system may be easily misdiagnosed if a camera is not employed at the site. For example, a minor problem such as a blocked pipe may be misconstrued as a failure of an absorption field. Using a camera at the inspection can avoid these misdiagnosis, which can mean the difference of thousands of dollars in repairs.

A transmitter on the end of the camera helps pinpoint where the problem may be present. The transmitter also helps to locate hard to find parts of the system, such as the distribution box. This capability allows us to locate the components without excavating the yard.

In one instance a client’s seepage pit was locate underneath the driveway. Our camera provided the only way to locate the absorption area without excavating the entire driveway.

Do I need to be present for the inspection?

While it is not required for you to be present, we will need access inside the home. We strongly recommend that all parties involved are present for the septic inspection. This enables all parties to see if problems exist. The buyer can also see the location of the system for future reference.

How long does it take to generate the written report?

We can generate a written report within five business days after the inspection. We do require someone (buyer, seller or representative) to be onsite at time of inspection (if it’s a three day inspection, we need someone onsite for day 1 only).

What type of inspection is most complete?

The most complete inspections use a digital camera in conjuction with a dye test. A septic inspection is not complete unless the inspection is performed by an experienced and certified inspector.

What if the house is vacant?

If the house is vacant, the septic system is not operating under its normal load and the absorption (leech) field may dry up. A hydrolic load test, which consists of running water approximate to the average daily usage. At the end of the test period our inspectors check how the field handled the water.

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