South Jersey Septic Inspections & Analysis – Certified Inspectors
Components of our Septic Inspection Process:
If you suspect your septic system is not functioning properly or you are considering selling your property, having a septic system analysis will help you make important decisions.
A septic inspection will determine whether or not the onsite wastewater disposal and treatment system is in proper working order.
Here is the process DiMeglio Septic uses during inspections:
Evaluate septic components inside the home:
DiMeglio Septic Inc. checks all appliances and associated pipes for proper connections. We also determine whether all waste lines are properly discharging into approved waste systems.
Examine inside the treatment tank:
Our inspectors open the tank, examine the inlet and outlet baffles and determine the volume of the treatment tank. The tank is then inspected for cracks, corrosion and leakage. In addition, our inspectors also check the waste levels inside the treatment tank.
Inspect the conveyance system:
DiMeglio Septic Inc. certified septic inspectors examine the distribution box for leakage, cracks and corrosion. Our inspectors also make sure that the distribution box is level. As part of this inspection all pipes leading to the box are examined using digital camera technology. Any pipes that are cracked or corroded will be identified.
Check the absorption field:
Our septic inspectors use digital cameras to visually inspect pipes leading to the absorption (leach) field. The inspection also includes a flow test where dye is introduced into the septic system. This test will simulate normal septic usage and enable our septic inspectors to observe drainage. DiMeglio Septic Inc. inspectors visually inspect the surface area to locate signs of system backups and probe underground to check for drainage levels.